Statistics & Research about Okemos,MI - Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Okemos,MI an area served by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

4780 Okemos Rd
Phone : 517-349-5520

Car dealers nearby Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Courtesy Ford

1830 W. Grand River Avenue Okemos, MI 48864
Phone: (888) 836-5315

Real estate research for area nearby Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Eagle 162,700 1050 7.7
Grand Ledge 128,900 708 6.6
Middletown 83,400 755 10.9
Pewamo 105,300 494 5.6
Clinton County 159,200 744 5.6
Holt 153,200 850 6.7
Pinckney 153,700 1000 7.8
Watertown charter 182,000 1142 7.5
Danby 167,100 687 4.9
Dallas 159,300 528 4.0

Number of whites in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of whites
Eagle 2606
Grand Ledge 7504
Middletown 750
Pewamo 426
Clinton County 70560
Holt 20984
Pinckney 2568
Watertown charter 4749
Danby 2915
Dallas 2438
Ovid 3756
Mulliken 514
Alaiedon 2772
Bingham 2708
Williamston 3701

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Eagle 200
Grand Ledge 1126
Middletown 120
Pewamo 42
Clinton County 6070
Holt 2409
Pinckney 118
Watertown charter 344
Danby 155
Dallas 143
Ovid 292
Mulliken 35
Alaiedon 182
Bingham 220
Williamston 572

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Eagle 137500
Grand Ledge 141700
Pewamo 112500
Clinton County 159400
Holt 146200
Pinckney 118800
Watertown charter 222300
Danby 145600
Dallas 185600
Ovid 141700
Mulliken 112500
Alaiedon 241500
Bingham 119400
Williamston 13100

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Eagle 213
Grand Ledge 443
Middletown 46
Pewamo 29
Clinton County 6418
Holt 2155
Pinckney 99
Watertown charter 579
Danby 286
Dallas 232
Ovid 226
Mulliken 13
Alaiedon 388
Bingham 196
Williamston 248