Statistics & Research about Bay City,MI - Oberryman Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Bay City,MI an area served by Oberryman Insurance Agency

2307 Kosciuszko (22ND)
Bay City,MI
Phone : 989-895-5570

Car dealers nearby Oberryman Insurance Agency

Dunlop Pontiac, Inc.

Bay City,MI
Phone: (989) 895-8583

Real estate research for area nearby Oberryman Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Albee 110,500 594 6.5
Hemlock 114,600 586 6.1
Freeland 157,800 915 7.0
Burt 91,400 394 5.2
Billings 115,800 503 5.2
Portsmouth charter 99,800 822 9.9
Midland County 130,200 696 6.4
Tuscola County 101,000 635 7.5
Caro 83,300 581 8.4
Homer 134,100 1025 9.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Oberryman Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Albee 186
Hemlock 206
Freeland 380
Burt 68
Billings 782
Portsmouth charter 299
Midland County 9002
Tuscola County 6183
Caro 722
Homer 387
Standish 202
Jonesfield 118
Kochville 411
Birch Run 485
Vassar 457

Number of old houses in places near by Oberryman Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Albee 150000
Hemlock 76400
Freeland 138700
Burt 97900
Billings 104000
Portsmouth charter 74800
Midland County 96000
Tuscola County 90700
Caro 77900
Homer 94900
Standish 83700
Jonesfield 75200
Kochville 146600
Birch Run 113100
Vassar 193400

Number of vacant houses in places near by Oberryman Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Albee 74
Hemlock 72
Freeland 97
Burt 48
Billings 936
Portsmouth charter 88
Midland County 2279
Tuscola County 3186
Caro 273
Homer 41
Standish 38
Jonesfield 42
Kochville 69
Birch Run 246
Vassar 131

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Oberryman Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Albee 94700
Hemlock 19600
Freeland 108500
Burt 85000
Billings 111800
Portsmouth charter 88200
Midland County 136400
Tuscola County 92200
Caro 95800
Homer 106500
Standish 69400
Jonesfield 104300
Kochville 95400
Birch Run 95400
Vassar 140600