Liberty Mutual
About : I am licensed to sell Auto, Home, and Life Insurance in MI. Please contact me for any of your personal insurance needs!
Description : I am excited about the wide range of cost-effective programs Liberty Mutual has to offer. I graduated from Central Michigan University and majored in Entrepreneurship. I began my career with Liberty Mutual in 2004. I am committed to protecting you and your family by offering affordable insurance programs to help you lead a safer more secure life.
600 E Lyon Rd, Midland, MI 48641
Phone: 1-989-832-4841
Fax: 1-989-633-2781
Distance: 15.0 Miles
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Texting while driving takes focus away from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds- enough time to travel the length of a football field at 55 mph. SHARE to help raise awareness of the dangers of distracted driving: http://bit.
March is National Craft Month. Here are some fun and easy-to-do activities that will keep the little ones entertained:.
I unfortunately had to use my car insurance this morning. We were on our way to preschool, but everyone is okay! One phone call and I have my car at the shop and a rental car waiting. I am so thankful to be employed and insured by such a great company!.