Statistics & Research about East Lansing,MI - Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about East Lansing,MI an area served by Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

2800 E Grnd Rvr Ave Ste C
East Lansing,MI
Phone : 517-351-5433

Car dealers nearby Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

Sawyers Pontiac, Inc.

East Lansing,MI
Phone: (517) 332-5011

Real estate research for area nearby Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Shiawassee County 114,500 651 6.8
Chapin 89,200 719 9.7
Cohoctah 160,000 1047 7.9
Handy 135,400 773 6.9
Eaton County 143,300 744 6.2
Westphalia 161,400 635 4.7
Carmel 163,600 1056 7.7
Henderson 126,100 750 7.1
Ingham 160,500 721 5.4
Bath 156,700 693 5.3

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Shiawassee County 1014
Chapin 25
Cohoctah 78
Handy 72
Eaton County 1846
Westphalia 42
Carmel 87
Henderson 3
Ingham 69
Bath 32
Delhi charter 183
Aurelius 92
Duplain 60
Bath charter 149
Unadilla 104

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Shiawassee County 158200
Chapin 131300
Cohoctah 204200
Handy 126600
Eaton County 196000
Westphalia 235700
Carmel 191500
Henderson 256300
Ingham 205900
Bath 163300
Delhi charter 177400
Aurelius 220800
Duplain 174100
Bath charter 230900
Unadilla 170800

Number of new houses in places near by Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Shiawassee County 107500
Eaton County 164400
Delhi charter 144800
Aurelius 120300

Number of blacks in places near by Bart Sullivan Insurance Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Shiawassee County 403
Handy 12
Eaton County 6262
Ingham 1
Delhi charter 1043
Aurelius 12
Duplain 12
Bath charter 284
Unadilla 53